Young hikers on route to Blåhammaren

Grövelsjöfjällen and Rogen

Grövelsjöfjällen offers fine hiking trails in the region close to and across the border with Norway. The STF Grövelsjön mountain station lies where the broad road ends and is a great place for both one-day outings and longer excursions. Långfjäll National Park is waiting for you here, with the Töfsingdalen national park on the Swedish side and the Femundsmarka national park on the Norwegian side

The Rogen nature reserve lies to the northeast, one of Sweden’s less well-known wilderness delights. The inland ice sheet created the unusual landscape here, which consists of long ridges and boulders of stone. A multitude of linked small lakes and the larger Lake Rogen lie between the ridges, with pine and spruce on the lowland heights that protrude from the barren land.

STF has three cabins along the trail between Grövelsjön and Tänndalen. It is also possible to come to Rogen from the Härjedal side, from Tännäs and Kärringsjön.

Reindeer husbandry is carried out in the region, and visitors must show respect for this.


Bus from Mora to Grövelsjön
Bus to Tännäs / Funäsdalen from Östersund and from Stockholm

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