Mountain cabins and river seen from above

Contact STF

This is a list of contact information for most of the departments within STF. Use the list to find the best person to help you.

STF Member service
Our Member service helps you with all questions related to membership in STF.

STF Booking service
Our booking agents assist you with booking STFs mountain cabins and mountain stations in Abisko, Saltoluokta, Kebnekaise, Helags, Storulvån, Blåhammaren, Sylarna and Grövelsjön. They can also help with changes and other questions on current bookings made on our website, regardless of the accommodation. To make new bookings and cancel an existing booking, you can easily go on our website.

Frequently asked questions & answers
Here you will find answers to the most common questions

STF Administration
Mail address:
P.O. Box 17251
SE-104 62 Stockholm

Telephone: + 46 8 463 21 00
The telephone lines are open on weekdays at 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Visitors to the STF administration:
Magnus Ladulåsgatan 5
118 65 Stockholm

Press & PR
If you are a journalist in need of help to discover Sweden and the STF? Contact our Press officer.

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